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donor & coordinator portal
Donor Portal
Donor Portal
Self Service Recruitment.
In our technology-driven world customers (donors & drive coordinators) have come to expect the ability to self-service. Today we are used to managing just about everything online from our banking to scheduling doctor visits. Self -service is no longer something that would be nice to have, it is a must have.
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Donors can sign up, create a profile and login to view their post-donation results such as blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol, and any other tests you may be providing like PSA or COVID-19 antibody tests. Donors also have access to their total number of lifetime donations by procedure type as well their donation history and past test results. The portal is also completely customizable, you have total control over what you choose to display to your donors.
Give donors online access to post-donation results (Donation history, blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol, and unique tests like PSA or COVID-19 antibody.

Donors can quickly and easily schedule donation appointments online, either by logging in or scheduling as a guest. Due to the flexibility in the appointment scheduling profiles you also have the ability to implement various restrictions on what type of appointments you will allow donors to schedule online. For instance, you can only allow whole blood appointments to be scheduled, or only allow repeat donors to schedule apheresis appointments, allow or dis-allow walk-ins by procedure type and limit the total number of appointments scheduled by procedure type. Plus, daily reminder functionality lets you leave unique reminder messages for donors they will see prior to scheduling their appointment.
Donor self-scheduled appointments.
There are several ways to advertise your donation sites and upcoming blood drives with SoftRecruit. Your open to the public donation sites and mobile drives will always be visible on your primary calendar in the portal, where donors can search by zip code, date, location, or mobile drive. Private mobile drives have two options, each appointment scheduling calendar has a unique link/URL that is generated as well as a 6-digit mobile code. SoftRecruit makes it easy to automatically insert these appointment scheduling links or mobile codes into the marketing emails and texts you send, allowing donors to simply click on a link to schedule an appointment.
Marketing emails and texts can include a link or mobile code to public/private donation locations where donors can access the donor portal by login or as a guest (i.e. no login).
Drive Links

Starting a rewards program or migrating your existing program is a breeze with SoftRecuit. Simply allocate the number of points you would like to allocate per procedure type and SoftRecruit takes care of the rest. The rewards store is completely customizable so you can offer gifts like pens, coffee mugs, and t-shirts or simply offer gift cards to your donor's favorite retailers and restaurants. Fulfillment is easy, process orders and automatically notify donors of their order status or even outsource fulfillment through the donor portal admin panel.
Built-in Rewards Store with a point tracking system.

The Promos feature is a unique and easy way to create highly targeted, time-sensitive promotions for your donors. For instance, you want to implement an email marketing campaign targeting O Negative donors you haven't seen in over a year. First, you would create your list in the donor contact manager. Second, you would create a Promo, for this Promo we are going to offer double points for whole blood donors and triple points for platelet or double red donations for the month of March. Third, simply assign the Promo to the O Negative list you created and send your email. For any donors on the list you created who donate in the month of March, the Promos feature will automatically allocate those donors additional points. All other donors not on the O Negative list will receive regular point allotments. Promos are such an easy way to create promotions that do not take months to plan and execute.
Promos feature allows you to create special promotions and offer reward points that are only available to select groups of donors.

Drive Coordinator/Chairperson can print and order blood drive marketing materials, send recruitment emails to previous donors who attended their drive, schedule individual donor appointments, view appointments scheduled, and check previous blood drive results.
Drive Coordinator Portal (coming very soon).

Online donor history questionnaire that donors can access and complete prior to their donation. The questionnaire can be accessed through the SoftRecruit Donor Portal. Additional details and pricing are available from SCC SoftComputer.
Donor History Questionnaire (Add-on and not included in standard SoftRecruit Package; pricing TBD with SCC Soft Computer).
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