We are experts at lapsed donor recruitment.
We are skilled at making the most of lapsed donor data. Regardless of whether it’s been 12 months or 5 years since donors last donated, we return them to active status by leveraging our experience, software, and exceptional recruitment methodology.
Lapsed donor recruitment campaigns can be defined differently. We can execute campaigns in which we recruit donors who have lapsed 2+ years while concurrently recruiting donors as they begin to lapse. In short: you decide what your definition of lapsed is (12, 24, 36 months, etc.), and as donors "lapse", we recruit them immediately. Or, we can execute a campaign where we only recruit donors who have lapsed 48+ months.
Whatever yours needs, we'll help you define a campaign that meets them.
448 Recruiters will schedule whole blood and apheresis donation appointments for your Donor Center(s), as well as community blood drives.
Schedule appointments using your existing appointment software or SoftRecruit.
Place appointment reminder calls.
Manage call backs, cancellations and missed appointments.
With approval, send confirmation emails and reminder texts.
Donor Eligibility
448 Recruiters will be knowledgeable of your blood center's basic, donor eligibility criteria and will answer basic eligibility questions. If a recruiter is asked an eligibility question that is not basic, he/she will transfer the call to a qualified employee at your center or encourage them to call you to discuss their specific medical condition/history.
Prior to launching your campaign, we will create an Intranet unique to your program; the Intranet is a website/knowledge base that keeps information organized. Intranets are continually updated as we receive new information or changes to existing policies and practices. Our Recruiters always have the latest information at their fingertips.
Donor Center and Mobile Drive Profiles and Collections Practices
Eligibility Information and Policies
Donor Center and Mobile Drive Locations
Basic Medical and Travel Deferral Criteria
Policies, Procedures, Programs and Promotions
Appointment Scheduling Standards and Expectations
We believe that you can’t effectively manage what you don’t measure. Measuring our performance allows us to develop metrics and establish benchmarks that are invaluable to our recruitment productivity. We'll submit three monthly reports that track: Recruitment Productivity, Appointment Attendance and Data Penetration. Custom reports and varying submission-frequency are available upon request.